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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Energy Burner

I LOVE it when Heidi is exhausted! The saying, "A tired dog is a good dog" is oh, so very true in our household. When Heidi has expended all of her energy she is an angel.

Most evenings after dinner our little family takes a walk. A walk up and down our street three times does not burn more than an ounce of Heidi's energy. Honestly, I wish I had the amount of energy she does. Oh the things I could accomplish! I was also starting to get a little bored with the routine and lack of interesting scenery. So last week, I bought a bike, had it delivered and my fantastic neighbor and his buddy put it together for me. They even installed Logan's child seat. I think I owe them a  six pack or two. Up until today, I was a little bit worried about taking Heidi on our rides. The following scenario played out in my head...Heidi sees a bird, squirrel, lizard, leaf. Heidi darts across the road directly into my bike's path. Jenny and Logan crash into a mailbox, parked car, or street sign. Not a pretty sight! After Logan went to bed tonight, I decide to do a trial run. That way if said scenario actually happened, my little man wouldn't get hurt...just me, no big deal.

Before getting on my bike, I decided to put the e-collar on Heidi...just in case she lost her marbles and attempted to make said scenario reality, then off we went! At first, she didn't really know what to do. She leisurely strolled a little ahead and to the left of me, looking back constantly. So I picked up my speed and told her, "Run, Run, Run!" It was amazing! She did such a great job, I was a proud Momma. Not once did she dart in front of me or get too close to the side of me. We have to cross a somewhat busy road in order to make our walks/rides a little longer. When we do that, we always tell Heidi to "Wait" so that we can look both ways before crossing the road. As we were approaching that road she slowed down and got closer to my side, but not too close where I was afraid of running her feet over, until I gave her the "Okay!" to release her. She seemed so happy to be running, I loved it! Her tongue was flopping out of the side of her mouth and slobber was flying was great!

Because I didn't really know how this event would pan out and I wasn't sure I could handle a camera at the same time, I don't have any pictures. Just imagine how that scenario would have played out! YIKES! I'm not incredibly graceful as it is. However, tomorrow evening I'm going to work on getting a video. It will probably be with my phone and incredibly shaky but if it's any good, I'll definitely post it for you to check out. If nothing else, you can at least have a good laugh watching me crash and burn! ;-)

I think after I get bored with this routine I'll move on to ROLLERBLADES!!

In other news...I was checking out my audience today! Thank you all for reading about my crazy wiggle butt. I'd like to give a special shout-out to my readers in RUSSIA!! Здравствуйте! If that's wrong, you can blame Google. :-)


  1. Hey don't you dare forget your Romanian reader :)))

  2. um you need another person to take pics - that'd be one heck of a balancing act! LOL.

    i love taking buster running with me! he loves it too i think lol. but many times he does get tired and lay down before we get back home! wimp!
