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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Woe is Heidi, Tasha Update, & Our First Giveaway Reminder!

The past few days, I have felt so guilty for the lack of attention I've given to Heidi. It's not because I don't love her ( I do, most days), or that I don't like her (because I really do much of the time), or that at least once a day she makes me want to hit my head against the wall, it was because of the big, bad, stomach flu! On Friday night, Logan woke up around 9pm because the poor baby vomited in his bed, twice. By midnight, he had thrown up another three times. By 6:30am, he woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed, as if vomiting five times during the night was a perfectly normal thing to do. The rest of the day Saturday he was a little fussier than normal and didn't nap as well as he should have, so I was coddling him more than I usually do because I figured he wasn't really feeling like himself. Unfortunately for Heidi that meant we were not going to make it to the dog park or the lake. Sunday was a wash. It rained all day long. Then, somewhere between 9pm Friday night and 10pm Sunday, that awful stomach virus invaded me. I heard Heidi knocking at the knob to go out twice and yelled at her to go back to bed because I couldn't fathom getting up. When she started at it a third time, I figured I had better let her out before I had another mess to clean up. Thankfully, she was quick to do her business and come back in. Monday was AWFUL! When I wasn't getting Logan meals or changing his diapers or getting Heidi meals or letting her outside, I was camped out on the couch. Thank goodness for Sesame Street and Toy Story. Jeff was so sweet to have sent his sympathy via email. Even though I know he was secretly thanking his lucky stars that he didn't have to clean up baby vomit or hold his wife's hair back. Hmm, I hope he would have held my hair back. But I honestly can't remember the last time I actually had the stomach flu. You know, the actual stomach flu like this, not the kind I claimed to have had a few times in college after a night out. Me? Hungover? Absolutely not! It MUST be the stomach flu that's going around! You know what I'm talking about, don't judge me. :-) I did happen to get a photo or two of poor, sad, attention-deprived Heidi. 

Don't you feel sorry for her? 

I do have to say that both Heidi and Logan were very well-behaved when I was under the weather. Logan would come up on the couch to snuggle with me and look at me with concerned eyes. Heidi would only pester me to go outside and remind me when it was time to eat. She even gave up her part of the couch for me! I was shocked. This dog can literally stretch herself out to take up the entire couch if she wants to. But, thankfully for me on Monday, she opted for Jeff's "King of the Castle" chair. 

Well, now Logan and I are feeling better. However, to Heidi's dismay we won't be able to get to the dog park until Friday. Throwing the frisbee around the backyard is great for burning about an ounce of her energy. This dog needs to get out and run until her legs are about to fall off. Hopefully, if the weather cooperates we'll be able to do that on Friday.

Now for some great news about my parent's Weim, Tasha. In case you missed her introduction, you can find it here. Tasha had a biopsy on her front right leg last week and the results are in! All of her cultures came back negative for bacteria and there was not any evidence of a fungal infection. Thankfully, the test results did not show any malignancy or tumor in her leg either, which means Tasha will not be a tri-pod!! There was a little bit of inflammation but the vet said that could have been caused from an old infection. So, hopefully her meds will take care of that. 

Please don't forget about our generous GIVEAWAY hosted by the fantastic Pam at Bark and Giggle Boutique. Side note, check out Pam's blog by clicking the B&GB link. She did a very sweet post on Weimaraners!! You have until Friday at midnight to enter the giveaway. Bright and early Saturday morning, I'm guessing around 6:30am, Logan will draw a name out of Heidi's bowl and we'll announce the winner during nap time! 

Wiggle On,
Jenny :-)

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