We have been awake since 6:15 am, that is when Little Man decided it was time for everyone to get out of bed. My first battle with Heidi began promptly at 6:17am. I saw this grey flash out of the corner of my eye. Instantly, I knew that Heidi was up to no good.
Oh but her antics didn't stop there. It's not unusual for Heidi to go in and out, in and out, in and out ALLLLL DAY LONG!! Some days, I tolerate it better than others. However, because our day had already started of on the wrong paw, her constant knocking at the knob (she hits her nose against the door knob to tell us she needs to go out) and jumping on the door was driving me BATTY.
Usually, she wants to go out to chase the squirrels off of her fence. Today, it was not the squirrels she was so worried about. Little did I know, she was trying to tunnel her way out of this piece. It wasn't until she came in with four dirt caked paws, tracking dirt all over the carpet did I understand what she was really up to.
There must have been something on the other side of the fence to cause this digging. Sure enough, our neighbors threw a black poop bag over their fence and Heidi really thought it was a threat to our safety. She just HAD to get to that bag and show it who was boss around these parts. I also think she has some spare energy to burn off, she is a Weim with an abundance of energy. So, a trip to the lake just might be on the agenda tomorrow.
I love my dog but some days she really has to test how far my love for her goes. What do your dogs do that just drives you nuts?
I could have written this post myself. Some days I feel like I'm at odds with Sawyer from the minute I get up!
ReplyDeleteJust this morning, Ryu and Roxy decided that their breakfast might be their last meal so they went bat crap crazy fighting over it. Really??? Do you not get fed every single morning and every single evening? Did you really think it was worth going tooth and nail over? These dogs. ;-)